I love queso, rearranging furniture, going to the beach and live deep in the heart of Texas (clap, clap, clap, clap.) i spend my days creating beautiful spaces and over the years this amazing career has taught me so much about the simple design of life. Now I speak and write about The 10 design commandments to live by!
So _________________ (your name goes here) are you ready to see your home sweet home?
JOIN HERE for my Design Tip, Speaking Dates, Newsletter, and Upcoming Events!
Can We Talk?
I want to speak to your people. I see speaking as the gift to gab with purpose and I want to speak to, your office, your women’s group, your church, your social groups, I want to meet them all. For keynote topics visit the speaking page. To inquire about speaking to your community Please fill out the form below.

I love the podcast world. It is a land of information.
At the Im Cheri podcast
I have special guest and cover various topics on life and design.
I would love for you to take a listen.
Your Friend,

Get Your Read On
As well as speaking and design I love to write what is on my heart!!!! I have a blog and some ebooks that cover various topics of life. I am working on a few books and hope the words that I pen inspire and impact all my readers.
Happy Reading,
Your Friend Cheri