Beauty Marked


Beauty is a buzz word that has been around for decades and each decade has found a way to redefine the word. No wonder we are so confused and constantly striving to be beautiful and with the advancement of technology adding an excruciating painful reminder most often of our flaws. But what if there was one universal beauty mark? What if the mark of beauty lasted longer than a glimpse and reached deeper than your skin? What if we discovered that this beauty mark has the power to transform a person? Now were talking sign me up and where do i get this? What if i told you, you need no money to get it? and What if i told you that the mark of this beauty will never age, its completely timeless, and it will captivate any person? If it fit in a jar it would constantly be "out of stock." Here is the most shocking statistic about this beauty mark. What if i told you that you have this unreal, impossible, mark of beauty? and What if i told you it comes in the form of a blemish? Still interested? Come join me at Valiant Church, April 15th at 5:00. 2002 Post Office, Galveston TX

Creating More Beauty!

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan