DIY Oatmeal Soak


¾ cup oats
½ cup baking soda
¼ cup coconut milk powder (or other milk powder of your choice)
10 drops each lavender and chamomile essential oil (optional – adds extra soothing and skin-healing benefits and makes your bath smell nice!)

In a blender or food processor, combine oats, baking soda, and milk powder. Blend until oats are powdered and everything is blended together.
Add essential oil drops and pulse your food processor a few times to mix them in.
Store in a mason jar, in a cool dry location when not in use.
To Use: Run bath water at full force and sprinkle ¼ cup of oatmeal bath mixure underneath running bath water. Stir any oatmeal that might settle at the bottom into the bath. Soak in the oatmeal bath for at least 20 minutes, and more if desired!

To heal dry skin, do not wipe your skin dry when getting out of the tub, PAT it dry instead. Follow up with a body butter.

Creating More Beauty!

Your Friend, Cheri

This recipe came from The Hippy Homemaker

Cheri Dayn-Ryan