I Challenge you to Search


I think it’s a beautiful thing when we are challenged to search our heart. I didn’t always feel this way. It was probably fear of what I might find, and then the responsibility to deal with it. Searching our heart can uncover so many things from dreams to failures and everything in between!!! Probably why most would rather not walk into this deep place with chambers of emotion. The investigation of the beats that forcefully push us to feel and the rapid flow of these life-giving thoughts that cause us to act. It truly is the control center of how we live. Which is why I’m beginning to be open to this heart-searching exercise because when the chambers are to full to function, and I am unable to feel the beats, the flow begins to stop, and life is not lived. My heart-searching exercise routine has been ramped up lately, I can feel the aches and pains, I might be moving slowly but thank God I’m moving and I can still feel the beautiful challenge to search my own heart. Don’t be afraid of what you might find…..Embrace It! Heart felt freedom is a gift you give yourself.

Creating More Beauty!

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan