Can you stay married for 50 years?

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This month we celebrated 50 years of marriage with my mom and dad. We had 150 friends and family gather as we honored a covenant that was made 50 years ago. We continued the celebration with a family vacation to California, for TEN days. It has been a very long time since we were all under one roof for that long. As we loaded up to all the places we went and gathered for meals I couldn't help but think that a union between two people that was made 50 years ago created this massive impact of joy. We don't always get along, just like every other family and we all live differently but to have the opportunity to make the memories we did are priceless. I also realized that in order to have this kind of event it takes a lot of work. I don't mean the planning, although that is challenging, I mean the work we put into having the relationships that we do. I think one of the most valuable things we have learned over all these years and something that I am so happy to have passed down is the value of family. It takes a lot of forgiveness, preferring one another, and a lot of honor. It's totally worth it. I would challenge you to gather your family and try to make it a regular occurrence. Honoring one another is the most valuable gift you can give each other and something that will give back in unmeasurable joy! I did a podcast with my mom that you can find HERE on Can you stay married for 50 years? We talk about marriage and family 50 years later. Go check it out! Don't forget to hit the join button at the top of the home page to stay connected.

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan