The BENEFITS of Covid 19

There is so much tragedy surrounding this outrageous virus and I pray for those that are suffering. There is no physical benefit of this illness, however, there are some benefits as to how this has impacted us as a nation. It has targeted our homes and changed our relationships. We have been brought to a screeching halt of life as we know it. When this type of phenomenon inserts itself into our lives we have a choice!!! We can only see the inconveniences or we can open our eyes to the opportunities. Our homes have taken a direct hit of the latest developments, my question is Are your eyes opened to the benefits of Covid19? Why has it taken a pandemic for us to focus on our crippling broken homes? I believe our state as a nation just received a wake-up call the question is will we actually WAKE-UP? It only takes walking down your street and scrolling through your Facebook, to feel the impact of our day. It’s like a spotlight has been turned on in our homes and our focus has been directed on the ones we love. We are forced to make our homes our dwelling place and connect with the ones that live there. Not so long ago this was a normal way of life. We have a huge opportunity to create new habits, build stronger relationships, re-adjust our time management, and focus on building a stronger homelife. We have such an amazing opportunity to reset. I know there are a lot of unknowns right now but here is what we do know; Time is never wasted when we pour into each other, family no matter what yours looks like is YOUR family, and no money in the world can replace the value of those you love. So I challenge you today to soak up every moment of this opportunity, I have never seen a moment like this where life stands still except for inside our homes. Every distraction has been removed for us so we can have quality and quantity time to redirect our efforts. Make your home a place of permanent impact. I challenge you to discover the BENEFITS of Covid19 and that they would be embedded so deeply in your heart that you would create a new normal. Be intentional, forgive more, love always, and be grateful.

Cheri XOXO

Cheri Dayn-Ryan