Its a Birthing Season!

We are about to wrap up Christmas in 2020 and WOW it has been quit the year!!! I am sure you have heard the story of Jesus birth several times in the last few weeks. I can’t help but relate to the theme of this season “A Birth” I would like to ask you “What are you birthing right now?” I have had three kids of my own, I understand this process very well and as I have sat and listened to the story of Jesus birth several times this Christmas season, God reminded me of the process. The excitement, the growing, the labor pains, and the delivery. When God calls us to something there is always a birthing process. I kind of forgot this along the way. Feeling frustrated and wanting to rush the process which if you have had a baby you know darn well there is NO rushing the process!!! The labor pains that happen and all that goes into this part of the preparation for delivery. Where are you in birthing something? Have you forgot that there is a process? I believe God is birthing something in all of us. Its not every year we go through something that effects the entire world, and yet this Christmas season we celebrate a baby that came to change our entire world. What are you birthing today?


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Cheri Dayn-Ryan