Are You A Starter Or A Finisher?

Are you a starter or a finisher? I think we all struggle with one or the other. A new year always presents itself with new goals, habit changes, and almost ALWAYS starting something. I started writing a dream course in the middle of 2020 and I have been chipping away at it. Trying to learn all the technical parts that go into making something like this happen, so I enter 2021 with having to finish something!!!!  I am a great starter it is the finishing that gets me every time. God brought this scripture to my mind Philippians 1:6 “And I am certain that God who began the good work within you will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” I cannot say if God gets frustrated or not but if He does, I can only imagine His frustration with us. I am simply trying to get words on a page and all the buttons to work on a website, He is having to work with ME!!! All the detours I have taken in life, the times I give up, the stubbornness to walk my own way. I can not even imagine!!! So today when I sat down and picked up my computer and thought “WHY am I doing this? It is taking too long!! Maybe I should have never started!” God so gently reminded that HE is FAITHFUL to complete the work within me. What work is God trying to complete in you?

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XOXO, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan