Set The Table

Photo by cottonbro from PexelsWith our busy lives, we have lost the art of gathering. Even with our busy schedules, I made sure this was on the calendar throughout the week. I was a single mom with three kids. They all played sports and had homework…

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

With our busy lives, we have lost the art of gathering. Even with our busy schedules, I made sure this was on the calendar throughout the week. I was a single mom with three kids. They all played sports and had homework, we were active in our church and it definitely challenged my organization skills, but, I always made sure we had time to gather and this was the place it would happen. This is one of my Big 10 Design Commandments to Live by and probably one of my favorites. It’s just me and the hubs now and I STILL practice this routine. I have some practical tips on how to make this happen and why it is so important. Your table has significant meaning and purpose. Here is one of my all-time favorite tips for gathering. Go to We played this game all the time the kids thought I was being ridiculous at first but it became a staple at dinner time and before long they were pulling out the game themselves and their friends were asking about it. My kids are grown and they still talk about this time around the table. You can learn so much about each other day by day and this time was so valuable to just connect. I am speaking on this subject at Valiant Church on Thursday, February 27th. We will talk about practical ways to make this happen, the significance of the table, and you will be encouraged to Set Your Table. Gather those you love around this very important piece of furniture and I promise you will enjoy the benefits of connection.


Cheri Dayn-Ryan