Design a Conversation with the ones you love

In a day of emails, text msgs, and virtual friendships have we lost the art of face to face conversation? We had dinner last night and the age range at this table was from 3 to 70. I wanted to do a little experiment. As we got our food and gathered around the table instead of hushing the little ones I allowed them to be the first conversation at the table. I asked them one simple question, I said, “tell me something good that happened to you today.” To hear an 8, 5, and 3 year old try to explain a good thing captivated the table. After the laughs and more questions to hear the kiddos talk conversation broke out among the adults. I heard talks of college and careers, grocery shopping, and upcoming birthday plans. No phones, no scrolling, just good old face to face conversation. Technology is a great tool for many things but will never replace the effect of a real face to face convo with another human. It might take a little work to engage but the wealth of information and encouragement you will find will be worth the effort.


Cheri Dayn-Ryan