Dear family that my walls surround,

Things have drastically changed in the last few months. Your outings have halted, you sit sometimes with worry and sometimes with joy. I find you pondering walking out my front door and I also find you beating it down for a time of escape. I have become so many things, an office, a daycare, a school, a date night, a place of worship, and even a hospital.  I am busting at my walls trying to contain so much. I have found it an honor to be your place of safety. I wish it didn’t take a pandemic for you to realize this. My space has always desired for you to spend time with each other. For you to experience life and make memories. You are always walking in the front door exhausted from all the responsibilities as you run from one obligation to another, I feel you miss so much with the people you love. This has definitely taken a toll on these old walls but I hope it has created a time for change. I know behind every front door there are different circumstances, but my walls were made for protection, not division, keep my doors open so you can always find each other. I love the time spent around the table, did you know this is one of my favorite places to see you gather? The cuddles on the couch make me proud that you have a room called the family room and you have finally realized how to use it. You have discovered arts and crafts and games and adventures can be done right inside our home and the yard is finally used again. Did you know children used to play in the yard every day? Sundays sound so different but I love watching you worship and I love hearing your prayers. I guess because you have so much time you have figured out how to disconnect from all those screens that are constantly in your face, I have noticed you see each other more and have actual conversation. I know the shelter at home is a temporary order, but I do hope you will carry on some of the habits I have seen you enjoy, maybe this season becomes your new normal. Maybe when this is over you will share me with those who need some love and some healing. Watching you be together has been the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. More than new paint, or new walls, or new appliances, I appreciate the effort to make me beautiful but the beauty of this place is the people that live here. Who would have thought that the year 2020 would put the spotlight on me? That the entire world would be forced to stay at home. I will probably definitely need a good cleaning and maybe some paint after this is over.  I will be here, our walls will still be standing and as long as we go together we can conquer anything. We have endured this thing together, but I wouldn’t have it any other way, after all, I am not just your house, I am your home sweet home.

With Love,

Your Home, XOXO

PS If you would like to stay connected sign up for my news letter here.

Cheri Dayn-Ryan