Real Life Romance!!!

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If you know my husband you probably love him because everyone does!!!! But this will make you love him more! See this little book in the pic??? Several years ago I was going through one of the hardest seasons of life and to get through the day to day I decided to journal. So everyday I wrote from my heart. Lots of tears, and lots of confusion. As I read my journal entries I realized they were written as if someone else would read them. I found this to be odd and honestly disturbing, until I realized I had created a book. I had no belief in myself as a writer but ONE person did, my husband…..He took the pages I had typed and printed them out. Then he created this cover, that is my actual wedding dress I wore in my wedding, then he took it to the print shop and explained to them he needed to bind these pages and asked if there was any way he could be the one to actually make this a book and they let him. This was the first version of my book “Wedding Dress For Sale.” We all need someone to believe in us, without him actually creating this book I know these words would be sitting on a shelf tucked away in a little journal. I believe this book was written to change someones life. I am so, so, lucky to have my main man as my ONE person. I wanted to give a little back history on this book that will be coming out this next weekend and give some CREDS to where credit is due. I could never have done this without him!!!

I love you babe!!!

P.S. If you want to get on the list to receive this FREE EBOOK CLICK HERE


Cheri Dayn-Ryan