I have a Dream!

The Iconic four words that almost did not make the speech in 1963. Martin Luther King used the idea of a dream in many speeches and was counseled against using it for his speech during the march for jobs and freedom. As he read his well-prepared notes a gospel singer shouted, “tell them about the dream” Reluctant to deviate from the plan King put his notes aside, stepped beside the podium, and delivered one of the most iconic speeches in history.

Dreams are designed with passion, they well up within us and push us to reach beyond our self-made limitations that drives us to accomplishment.

Sometimes we must step aside from the ordinary, and proclaim we have a dream.

 Proclamation-A public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance.

When Martin Luther King stepped beside that podium it was an act of his proclamation.  

XOXO Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan