Your Memory on Facebook

If you are a facebook user you know what this is. This is my second favorite function on Facebook. My first is the ability to see what everyone is doing (yes I am that person) bottom line if you think about it Facebook is a wealth of information. I had a memory pop up today. It was a great memory, but I find it so interesting that these memories can stir so much emotion, especially the longer you have been on this social media roller coaster. For some it reminds them of loss, for some, it finds them a new beginning, for some, they remember a victory, so many different emotions these little pop-ups create. I have found that the emotion of the memory can be an inspiring force, even the not so good ones. I have also found that these pop-ups can remind you that whatever season you are in you are creating something that years from now might POP UP. Every second counts….Use your time to impact those around you……. cherish deeply the ones you love……..make the wrongs right………. and live each day to its fullest!!!

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan
What Would Your Pillow Say?

What would your pillow say? As I lay here awake in silence I find the moment of my head hitting the pillow to be stressful. I realize that my body and my mind are in two different time zones. I suppose its the lack of distraction that fuels the thoughts and suddenly the play button is pressed. Unfortunately, the show that usually plays reveals all the things I didn't get done and all the things I didn't have time to worry about due to the many demands of the day. Sometimes it can be as exhausting as running a marathon and sometimes it creates a simple memory. I have battled the enemy in prayer and I have wept in sorrow. I have had moments of clarity and cried out in desperation. This can take hours and sometimes minutes, but the moment my head hits the pillow is always an adventure, it's never the same, and I have developed a love-hate relationship with this time of the day. So my question is what would your pillow say?

Cheri Dayn-Ryan
Confidence Shines From Within

Confidence is widely misunderstood. Many people lead with empty confidence. The person that puts people down so they can look better, or the one that walks around with threats instead of action or how about those that manipulate because they don't have the guts for truth. Many think confidence is always loud. The confidence that shines from within can be quiet in confrontation and loud in lifting someone up. Shining confidence is steady and unmoved. It knows how to put tenderness and firmness in the same sentence. It leads with the ability to walk among the crowd and alone at the same time. When you possess the power of confidence from within there is no challenge too small or too big. Let your confidence shine!!!!

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan
Can you stay married for 50 years?
family vacay photo for blog.jpg

This month we celebrated 50 years of marriage with my mom and dad. We had 150 friends and family gather as we honored a covenant that was made 50 years ago. We continued the celebration with a family vacation to California, for TEN days. It has been a very long time since we were all under one roof for that long. As we loaded up to all the places we went and gathered for meals I couldn't help but think that a union between two people that was made 50 years ago created this massive impact of joy. We don't always get along, just like every other family and we all live differently but to have the opportunity to make the memories we did are priceless. I also realized that in order to have this kind of event it takes a lot of work. I don't mean the planning, although that is challenging, I mean the work we put into having the relationships that we do. I think one of the most valuable things we have learned over all these years and something that I am so happy to have passed down is the value of family. It takes a lot of forgiveness, preferring one another, and a lot of honor. It's totally worth it. I would challenge you to gather your family and try to make it a regular occurrence. Honoring one another is the most valuable gift you can give each other and something that will give back in unmeasurable joy! I did a podcast with my mom that you can find HERE on Can you stay married for 50 years? We talk about marriage and family 50 years later. Go check it out! Don't forget to hit the join button at the top of the home page to stay connected.

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan
The Invasion of the Birds
Photo by Artem Mizyuk

Photo by Artem Mizyuk

My daughter is TERRIFIED of birds, she will literally not go to her car if birds are around, so Walmart is a nightmare to her, however there is a lot to be said when you see a bird.. If you are a bird watcher this will take your watching to a whole new level. I personally like to hear the birds more than see them but this week they have been in my face!!! Think about this, birds do not sow, reap, or store food. They have no idea where their next meal will come from. Can you imagine having no food in your cabinets and just each time you are hungry you have to figure out what you will eat? I get it if you have money that’s not to hard, in fact, some people live like that, but can you imagine no wallet, no credit card, no change, just you get hungry and expect food to appear. That is how the birds live EVERY day. Seems so stressful to me. Thank God I am not a bird, but God has called me to live like one. My devo today and the theme of my week has been birds, Mathew 6:25-36, the “do not worry about tomorrow,” versus. These are very hard to read for this worry-wort. Let me leave you with these words and every time you see a bird you can have this thought. “Look at the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them” Mathew 6:26

Creating more beauty!!!!

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan
A designers job you know nothing about!

I have spent the past several years working with all kinds of individuals to bring their visions of beauty to reality. I have entered into their spaces that will ultimately occupy the events of life that make us who we are as individuals. The place that will house victories and failures, life and death, where values are taught and manners are practiced, where love and hate can exist in the same room, and where the walls witness the extremes of joy and sadness. I have been brought into the spaces where risks are taken, and livelihood is constructed, where years of education are now an everyday practice and where dreams can be made and crushed. As a designer, I have the opportunity to be more than the creator of beauty I have the chance to witness the evolution of humanity.

Everyday has the opportunity to be designed!

Your Friend, Cheri

Cheri Dayn-Ryan
Not Happy.........JOY
photo cred:Quang Anh Ha Nguyen

photo cred:Quang Anh Ha Nguyen

I think we get confused between the words "Happy" and "Joy." My question today is "Do you only have joy when you are happy?" I have challenged myself several times regarding my joy. I have had to sit down and mentally separate these two words. Let's face it we all have seasons we can honestly say I am not happy, but in all seasons we can have JOY.  I believe Joy abides!!! What does that mean? For me Joy abides in the eyes of my children and grandchildren, Joy abides in the arms of my husband, Joy abides sitting on the beach, Joy abides when I get to experience a good Sunday morning worship service, Joy abides in rearranging the furniture (lol I know this is definitely not on everyone's list but for me it brings a lot of joy).  I don't have to be happy to find Joy in any of these things.  In fact, I can be having the worst day and be as far from happy that you can get and find Joy.  What does your Joy abide in? Our world screams happy, however, happy is conditional, Joy is abiding! Find your JOY and abide in it!!!

Creating more beauty!

your friend, Cheri

photo cred:Quang Anh Ha Nguyen

Cheri Dayn-Ryan